SavonAsukkaat - Person Sheet
SavonAsukkaat - Person Sheet
NameMargareta Rossi
Birth2 Nov 1752, Suonenj.?
Death15 Aug 1838, Surnumäki 9, Pieks. Age: 85
FatherJohan Rossi (1720-1770)
MotherMaria Junicka (1724-1785)
Birth27 Sep 1746, Surnomäki 5, Pieks.
Death10 Sep 1813, Surnumäki 5, Pieks. Age: 66
FatherJohan Korhonen (1701-1777)
MotherElisabeth Ylönen (1715-1794)
Marriage25 Dec 1776, Pieks.
ChildrenElisabeth (1778-)
 Matts (1782-1838)
 Michel (1785-)
 Christina (1787-1858)
 Elisabeth (1790-)
 Johan Enok (1792-1833)
 Maria (1801-1868)
Notes for Margareta Rossi
Where did her birthdate come from?

IGI chr 8dec1752
no more children found back to 1779, did not look at later years.
of Toholax (Pieks. or Rautalampi?) at marriage

found no Toholax in Rautalampi , 5 Marias and one Marg born to Rossis' 1756-1768. the one Marg. was born in Rossi, 12.2.1766 to Matts Rossi and Anna Kilpaläin
birthdate from kopiot, place unspecified
Toholax could be in Suonenjoki?, there is a Rossi village/farm
not born in Rautalampi. not found 1752-54 in Pieksämäki kopiot or 1752-53 in Rautalampi kopiot

acc to IGI all Rossi's born in Mikkeli/Kuopio were either in Pieksämäki or Rautalampi

25.12.1776 Surnumäki   b:de s. Michel Korhoin b:de dr. Marg. Rossi Toholax

SHE IS NOT with her family in 1757-70 RK p 279 Suonenjoki
1771-1780 RK (II) p 215 Surnomäki 5, b 1756
1783-1790 RK p 339 Surnomäki 5 b 1756
1791-1799 RK p 286 Surnomäki 5
1800-1804 RK p 148 Surnomäki 5
1804-1814 RK p 277 Surnumäki 5 b 1756
1816-1826 RK p 522 Surnomäki 5, b “1756”
1827-1837 RK p 563 Surnomäki 9 “1/6” “1756” “1832 se neder” “Christer Asikains hemman”
1827-1837 RK p 563 Surnomäki 9 “1832 se osand”
1837-1849 RK p 566 Surnumäki 9 “1756” d 15/8 1838

25.12.1776 Surnumäki b:de s. Michel Korhoin b:de dr. Marg. Rossi Toholax
Notes for Michel (Spouse 1)

1757-67 RK p 255 Surnomäki 5 son 1
1771-1780 RK (II) p 215 Surnomäki 5
1783-1790 RK p 339 Surnomäki 5
1791-1799 RK p 286 Surnomäki 5
, and still there in 1791-99, with no children mentioned in RK, but his mother is on the page and brother Adam also..p 339 of 1783+ RK

a torp. MK, age 55 died on 4nov1811 in Kathkalax..kopiot

on p 148 of 1800+ RK, Surnomäki 5 Suontienhieta
1804-1814 RK p 277 Surnumäki 5 död 10/9 1813
birth found in kopiot much later

birthdate from kopiot, chr 27oct
Last Modified 10 Apr 2007Created 27 Jan 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh